Performance-in-Practice (PIP)

Improving Clinical Practice with Patients who have Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and PCSS-MOUD are excited to offer an updated 2022 Performance-In-Practice activity to help you and your practice treat opioid use disorder. The PIP has been revised to provide up-to-date information and guidance, and now offers an optional 25-question Self-Assessment Exam.

A PIP activity is a Performance Improvement CME (PI CME) activity designed to assist physicians, PAs, NPs and RNs and other Health Care professionals to determine and address individual practice gaps through a performance improvement plan designed to increase competence, performance, and patient outcomes. The PIP will walk you through Three Stages (A, B, and C) in a process to enhance practice of the treatment of patients with opioid use disorder. It is recommended that the PIP take 3 months or more to complete, though it may take significantly longer (as long as deemed necessary to plan, implement, and evaluate your educational plan). This PIP follows the AMA-standardized three-stage process of a PI CME. It includes the following stages:

  • Stage A: Data Collection: Assess your practice behaviors.
  • Stage B: Application and Intervention: Develop and follow your own improvement plan.
  • Stage C: Reassessment and Review: Reassess your practice to measure the effects of your improvement plan (post intervention measurement).

Frequently Asked Questions

Rick Garcia, MD, Roger Chou, MD

Education and Training

Clinical support is provided through online modules, webinars, resources, podcasts and videos.

2018 Steering Committee Meeting

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